GEROPROTECT® Autophagy Renew
GEROPROTECT® Autophagy Renew
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Without autophagy, the insides of our cells would become cluttered and eventually cease to function. The problem is autophagy naturally decreases over time. But the right nutrients can encourage youthful, healthy autophagy at the cellular level—the hard part is figuring out which nutrients do the best job.
Insilico Artificial Intelligence
GEROPROTECT® Autophagy Renew was created through a partnership with Insilico Medicine, Inc., who used their database of studies on geroprotectors to identify luteolin from Japanese sophora flower for its ability to promote autophagy—effects that are also supported by several pre-clinical studies.
We added piperlongumine (a pepper alkaloid) because of our own extensive scientific review. Together, these nutrients have the potential to encourage healthy cellular autophagy—and with it, longevity.
Luteolin is a flavonoid present in fruits, vegetables and nutritious herbs. We get trace amounts of luteolin in our diets, but not nearly enough to encourage healthy cellular renewal. GEROPROTECT® Autophagy Renew contains 165 mg of luteolin per serving. In pre-clinical studies, luteolin promoted autophagy, leading to a variety of health benefits, particularly in the brain.1
Luteolin supports the cellular pathways that encourage autophagy, such as AMPK signaling.2 Luteolin also promotes the generation of new lysosomes, the "recycling plants" inside your cells that break down waste.2 Plus, luteolin inhibits the processes that discourage autophagy, such as mTOR signaling—a central regulator of cellular metabolism and proliferation.2
Piperlongumine is a biologically active alkaloid found in pepper plants. In pre-clinical studies, piperlongumine was shown to activate autophagy as indicated by increased cellular markers called LC3-autophagosomes, structures involved in initiation of autophagy within a cell.3,4
Piperlongumine activates Beclin-1, a gene that triggers formation of these autophagosome structures.5
Beclin-1 dependent autophagy helps protect delicate mitochondria and helped inhibit inflammation to support cardiovascular health in an animal study.5 Our formula contains 10 mg of piperlongumine.
Take alone or with Senolytic Activator
While cellular housekeeping orchestrated by autophagy is a different process than the ones that govern the removal of senescent cells, they are complementary. Therefore, GEROPROTECT® Autophagy Renew can be taken alone, or in conjunction with our Senolytic Activator formula.
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
- Taktu eitt (1) hylki á dag eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.
Serving Size 1 vegetarian capsule
Amount Per ServingLuteolin [from Japanese sophora (flower buds)]165 mgPiperlongumine [from long pepper (root)]10 mg
Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), maltodextrin, vegetable stearate, silica.
†Developed in collaboration with Insilico Medicine, Inc
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Hvað er GEROPROTECT Autophagy Renew?
Þegar við eldumst hrakar færni líkamans þegar kemur að því að hreinsa út gamlar og slitnar frumur, sem svo kemur í veg fyrir að nýjar frumur geti sinnt sínum eðlilegu störfum. Með GEROPROTECT Autophagy Renew getur þú hjálpað líkamanum að ná tökum á frumu-endurvinnslunni og stuðlað þannig að löngu og heilbrigðu lífi. GEROPROTECT Autophagy Renew inniheldur flavonóíð úr plöntu, lúteólín og alkalóíð úr langpiparplöntu, sem hjálpar til við hina náttúrulegu innri tiltekt.
Eiginleikar GEROPROTECT Autophagy Renew:
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