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B12 Elite

B12 Elite

Verð 1.520 ISK
Verð 1.890 ISK Útsöluverð 1.520 ISK
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60 hylki

B12 vítamín er nauðsynlegt til að viðhalda heilbrigðri heilastarfsemi, eðlilegum efnaskiptum og framleiðslu rauðra blóðkorna.

Einnig stuðlar B12 að eðlilegri virkni taugakerfisins auk þess að draga úr síþreytu

Í B12 Elite eru sameinuð í eina munnsogstöflu tvö virk snið vítamínsins, sem tryggir áhrifaríka upptöku þessa lífsnauðsynlega vítamíns.

Án glútens – Óerfðabreytt – Hentar grænmetisætum

    Frekari Upplýsingar

    Vitamin B12 is good for you. But many people don’t get sufficient B12 from their diets alone. Reasons range from age-related insufficiency to dietary intake: B12 comes primarily from animal sources, so those following a vegetarian diet may not get enough.

    Our new B12 Elite combines two types of cobalamin: adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. These are “active” forms—meaning your body can make use of them right away.

    Adenosylcobalamin helps preserve neuronal function

    Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a type of enzyme that modifies other proteins by adding phosphate groups.1 Inhibiting the activity of this enzyme has been associated with helping to preserve neuronal tissue.2

    A series of preclinical studies has shown that the adenosylcobalamin form of B12 can inhibit the activity of multiple LRRK2 variants in neurons by decreasing phosphorylation (the addition of phosphate groups to amino acids).3

    These studies found that adenosylcobalamin helped regulate healthy release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in cognitive functions such as motor control, arousal, reinforcement and reward.3-6

    A cofactor for energy metabolism

    Adenosylcobalamin is active in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells. It’s required as a cofactor for the synthesis of succinyl-CoA, a compound that supports cellular energy metabolism.7-9

    Methylcobalamin for cellular health & beyond

    Methylcobalamin is another neurologically active form of B12 (though in different ways than adenosylcobalamin). Methylcobalamin supports the central nervous system, and it’s essential for the replication and growth of cells.10

    Methylcobalamin helps to maintain already healthy homocysteine levels.11-14 Inhibiting excess levels of this compound is key to maintaining healthy cardiovascular and neurological function.

    B12 for a healthy brain and more

    This B12 formula combines methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin to offer optimal cognitive support. Want the health benefits of the full range of the B vitamins? We also offer our BioActive Complete B-Complex formula: a wide-spectrum of B vitamins for whole-body health.

    Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

    Leysið upp í munni eða tyggið eina (1) töflu á dag, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


    Serving Size 1 vegetarian lozenge

    Amount Per Serving

    Vitamin B12 (as adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin)

    1000 mcg

    Other ingredients: maltodextrin, xylitol, citric acid, guar gum, beet juice, vegetable stearate, food starch-modified, stevia extract, strawberry flavor.



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