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Bloat Relief

Bloat Relief

Verð 5.590 ISK
Verð Útsöluverð 5.590 ISK
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60 mjúk hylki
Dregur úr uppþembu og öðrum óþægindum eftir máltíðir.
Öðru hvoru lendum við öll í því að uppáhalds máltíðin komi meltingunni í uppnám.
Ef þú þjáist annað slagið af uppþembu, vindgangi eða öðrum meltingartruflunum, getur þessi blanda af ætiþistlum, engifer, fennel olíu og túrmerik komið til bjargar.
Án glúteins - Óerfðabreytt

Frekari Upplýsingar

Millions of Americans experience occasional uncomfortable gas and bloating after meals. Bloat Relief targets the aspects of digestion that are responsible for occasional gas and bloating: gastrointestinal motility and excessive gas production in your GI tract. Stay comfortable after you eat with Bloat Relief!

Artichoke leaf & ginger root extract

Foods move naturally from mouth-stomach down into your lower digestive tract. This is called “GI or gut motility.” The first step in relieving bloating is supporting healthy gut motility.

Prodigest® is a patented blend of artichoke leaf extract and ginger root extract. Ginger increases gastric emptying (when food “moves along” its digestive journey) by encouraging the migrating motor complex: the specific GI muscle contractions that make your food move through your digestive system. Artichoke extract promotes healthy bile flow from the liver—another way your body keeps things moving.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, subjects taking Prodigest® reported a marked improvement in stomach comfort and bloating after just 2 weeks.1 Another study actually used ultrasound to measure stomach size before and after eating—and found that there was significant reduction in stomach size consistent with improvements in gastric motility for the Prodigest® group.2

Fennel seed oil + turmeric

Fennel has been traditionally used to relieve occasional digestive gas and bloating. Several clinical studies back up fennel’s reputation: fennel seeds, fennel tea and fennel seed oil (combined with turmeric) produced improvements in digestive comfort and bloating.3-6

Fennel encourages regular, healthy muscle contractions in your digestive system. It also inhibits the activity of the digestive bacteria that produce gas during digestion—so naturally we’ve included it here.6,7 A large placebo-controlled clinical trial showed significant improvement in bloating and other digestive discomforts for people taking a combination of fennel seed oil and turmeric.6

Combine with digestive enzymes

Bloat Relief can be taken alone or with any of our digest enzyme formulas. People in the clinical trial experienced significant improvements in digestive discomforts (including bloating) in as little as two weeks. Try Bloat Relief—and stay comfortable after you eat!

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Taktu eitt (1) hylki 2 sinnum daglega fyrir þyngdstu máltíðir, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


Serving Size 1 softgel

Amount Per ServingTotal Calories5Total Fat0.5 gCalcium (as dicalcium phosphate)44 mgProdigest® Blend:356 mgProviding 100 mg Artichoke extract (leaf) [std. to caffeoylquinic acids, flavonoids, cynaropicrin]; 20 mg CO2 ginger extract (root) [std. to gingerols and shogaols]Turmeric (rhizome) [std. to 95% curcuminoids]42 mgBitter fennel oil (seed)25 mg

Other ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, gelatin, dicalcium phosphate, glycerin, microcrystalline cellulose, purified water, beeswax, sunflower lecithin, carob color, croscarmellose sodium, silica, vegetable stearate.


Prodigest® is a registered trademark of Indena S.p.A., Italy.


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