Blueberry Extract and Pomegranate
Blueberry Extract and Pomegranate
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Frekari Upplýsingar
Frekari Upplýsingar
Blueberries contain powerful health-promoting compounds that help inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response.1-3 Pomegranate is another fruit renowned for its healthy properties. It contains compounds that support blood vessel health and promote healthy metabolism.4,5
Blueberries & Cardiovascular Health
Blueberry compounds help support cardiovascular health by promoting production of nitric oxide, a compound that helps blood vessels relax. Blueberry compounds also promote the healthy metabolism of cholesterol and related fatty compounds that circulate in the blood, which helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within normal range.6
Pomegranates & Cardiovascular Health
Pomegranate has also been studied in the context of heart health. Pomegranate compounds may help support blood pressure levels already within normal range. Pomegranate also helps maintain endothelial cell health. Endothelial cells are the delicate cells that line the inside of blood vessels.4,5
Other Health Benefits of Pomegranate
Pomegranate compounds have also been shown to help maintain already healthy blood sugar levels.7 And both blueberry and pomegranate compounds help promote a healthy inflammatory response.8,9 By supplementing with both blueberry and pomegranate compounds, you can obtain the health benefits of both of these superfruit superstars!
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
- Taktu eitt (1) hylki 1-2 sinnum á dag, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.
Serving Size 1 vegetarian capsule
Amount Per Serving
Wild Blueberry extract blend (fruit)
475 mg
POMELLA® Pomegranate extract (fruit) [standardized to 30% punicalagins]
200 mg
BlueActiv™ Wild Blueberry extract (fruit)
75 mg
Other ingredients: maltodextrin, vegetable cellulose (capsule), silica, vegetable stearate.
POMELLA® Extract is covered under U.S. Patent 7,638,640 and POMELLA® is a registered trademark of Verdure Sciences, Inc.
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1-3 virkir dagar

Hvað er Blueberry Extract and Pomegranate?
Í samanburði við ýmsa ávexti og grænmeti, veita bláber einna bestu vernd alls gegn oxunarálagi og stuðlar að heilbrigðu ónæmissvari. Blueberry Extract and Pomegranate inniheldur útdrátt úr villtum bláberjum og granatepli sem gefa þér saman fullkominn skammt af andoxunarefnum.
- Veitir kröftuga vörn andoxunarefna með gæða bláberja og granatepla útdrætti.
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