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DNA Protection Formula

DNA Protection Formula

Verð 2.990 ISK
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30 hylki


DNA Protection Formula styður líkama þinn við að byggja upp heilbrigðar varnir gegn utanaðkomandi eitrunaráhrifum með nýrri formúlu 



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Frekari Upplýsingar

Science has documented the ability of certain nutrients to bolster the body’s healthy DNA defenses against environmental toxins. DNA Protection Formula provides nutrients such as xanthohumol, watercress extract, chlorophyllin and zinc for powerful DNA health support in a single, convenient formula.

More Facts About DNA Protection Formula

Endogenous and environmental factors can affect your DNA. Fortunately, there are ways to support your healthy defenses against these environmental toxins through nutritional supplementation. We’ve reformulated our original DNA Protection Formula to include XanthoForce™ (xanthohumol).

Xanthohumol is a flavonoid derived from the hops plant commonly used in brewing beer. In clinical and preclinical studies, xanthohumol has been shown to help protect DNA from damage, a major part of maintaining healthy cellular function and cell division.1-3


Clinical and preclinical studies show that chlorophyllin binds to certain dietary and environmental toxins, inhibiting their potential stress on vulnerable DNA.4-8 Chlorophyllin also supports your body’s natural antioxidant defense against toxins and promotes healthy expression of the protective p53 gene, which partially encourages cell reproduction.8-10


The essential mineral zinc supports a wide range of biochemical and immunological functions, including maintenance of DNA and helping support cellular antioxidant defenses.11 A study in women found that zinc supplementation helped protect from DNA strand breaks, thus stabilizing genetic expression.12 Another study in men found a modest increase in dietary zinc from 6 mg per day to 10 mg per day led to  optimal support for DNA strand breakage.13 In a placebo-controlled trial in older adults with low zinc status, those given zinc supplements helped support oxidative stress levels and decreased damage to telomeres—the tips of DNA strands that help support chromosomes—after 12 weeks.14


Our formula also includes watercress extract. Watercress is a leafy green vegetable that protects DNA from oxidative stress and has many potential health benefits.15,16 Two randomized crossover studies found adding this cruciferous vegetable to the diet helps support DNA.17,18

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Taktu eitt (1) hylki á dag með mat eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


Amount Per Serving

Zinc (as zinc oxide)

10 mg

Watercress extract (whole herb)

400 mg

Chlorophyllin (from sodium magnesium chlorophyllin)

120 mg

XanthoForce™ Hops extract (cone) [std. to 10% xanthohumol]

120 mg

Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), maltodextrin, microcrystalline cellulose, silica, vegetable stearate.


XanthoForce™ is a trademark of Berg Imports, LLC.


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Hvað er DNA Protection Formula?

Í sögu vísindanna hafa ýmis næringarefni verið skráð vegna eiginleika vörunnar

 til að styrkja náttúrulegar varnir líkamans gegn eiturefnum úr umhverfinu. XanthoForce™ (xantóhúmól) er flavonóíð úr humlum og hafa rannsóknir sýnt fram á eiginleika þess til að koma í veg fyrir skaða á DNA. DNA Protection Formula inniheldur einnig vætukarsa, klórófyllín og sink, sem einnig stuðlar að verndun DNA.