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Dog Mix

Dog Mix

Verð 3.090 ISK
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Besti vinur mannsins hefur sérstakar þarfir þegar kemur að næringu. Dog Mix frá Life Extension er það sem flestir hundar þurfa til að lifa heilbrigðu lífi.
Án glútens – Óerfðabreytt

Frekari Upplýsingar

Animals have different physiological and structural systems and, therefore, need specific food and nutrients to remain in optimal health. Pets are often considered family members deserving special attention. Filling that need, the pet food industry has grown tremendously over the years. The question is, are these products providing enough quality nutrients.

Man’s best friend

Dogs are omnivorous domesticated descendants of the Canis genus that now enjoy places of pride in our homes. Man’s best friend is a perfect companion that can live a long, active life if properly cared for. Just like human beings, dogs need carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water in a balanced diet to stay healthy. However, many unscrupulous manufacturers of low-quality dog foods produce products that may not be nutritionally ideal.

Like people, dogs are prone to nutrient deficiencies under suboptimal dietary intake. So they may benefit from certain supplemental nutrients.

Specific health needs

Carnitine is an essential nutrient biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine and found in meat. It is required for the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria for the generation of metabolic energy. It supports normal energy levels and healthy body composition and is important for heart health.1,2 Lipoic acid also provides mitochondrial support and may promote healthy brain aging in dogs.3 Vitamin E also has been shown to be important for physically active dogs’ health.4

So how can you be sure that you are giving your pet premium nutrition? Besides high-quality commercial foods that are nutrient-enriched, food supplements are the best way to ensure your pets are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to live long, healthy lives.

Targeted nutrition solution

Our Dog Mix helps protect and maintain your pet’s health. Just two scoops per day provide the vitamins your pet needs to stay healthy and strong. Dog Mix contains significant amounts of high-grade nutrients usually reserved for the most expensive human supplements. It contains flavonoids, amino acids, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, methylation enhancers and more. Research in dogs shows supplements with various combinations of similar nutrients promote healthy brain and kidney function and support physical fitness.5,6 In addition, Dog Mix contains probiotics to enhance intestinal, metabolic and immune health.7,8

Many commercial pet foods do not contain all of the vitamins, amino acids, phytonutrients and advanced antioxidants found in Dog Mix. Our pet supplements contain the same premium-grade nutrients you rely on in all of our products.

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • For dogs weighing 20-30 pounds, mix one scoop a day into your pet’s food or a treat.
  • Adjust amount according to weight.
  • Refrigerate after opening. Density may vary.


Serving Size 1 scoop (approx. 1.667 g)

Servings Per Container: about 60

Amount Per Serving


Vitamin C: 50 mg

Vitamin E: 16.8 mg

Super Nutrition:

Rosemary, thyme and sage extracts: 30 mg

Essential Vitamins:

Thiamine: 2 mg

Riboflavin: 5 mg

Niacin: 4 mg

Pantothenic acid: 2 mg

Vitamin B6: 2 mg

Vitamin B12: 10 mcg

Folic acid: 500 mcg

Protein Synthesis and Water Balance

Trimethylglycine (TMG) (as betaine anhydrous): 250 mg


Probiotic concentrate: 3 mg

[L. acidophilus, L. plantarumB. bifidumB. Lactis (providing 250 million CFU†)]

Mixed Carotenoids

Vitamin A Betatene®1: 20 mcg

Tomato (fruit): 2 mg

Glucose Metabolism and Longevity

Alpha Lipoic Acid: 5 mg

Amino Acid

L-carnitine (as L-Carnitine L-tartrate): 50 mg

Essential Fatty Acids

Flaxmeal (Linum usitatissimum) (seed): 1100 mg

†Colony Forming Units at time of manufacture

Ingredients: flaxmeal, betaine anhydrous, L-carnitine L-tartrate, ascorbic acid, silica, d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, rosemary extract, sage extract, thyme extract, riboflavin, folic acid, alpha lipoic acid, dicalcium phosphate, Betatene ® [beta-carotene with mixed carotenoids (alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin)], probiotics (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, B. bifidum, B. lactis), niacin, d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine HCl, thiamine HCl, tomato, maltodextrin, methylcobalamin.

Contains fish (tilapia).

1 - Betatene® is a registered trademark of BASF SE.


Geymist þar sem börn ná ekki til.

Ekki skal neyta meira en ráðlagður dagskammtur segir til um.

Ekki kaupa vöruna ef innsigli hennar hefur verið rofið eða orðið fyrir skemmdum.


1-3 virkir dagar

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Hvað er Dog Mix?

Næringarþörf hunda er einstök. Þeir þurfa kolvetni, fitu, prótein, vítamín, steinefni og vatn, rétt eins og við mannfólkið en hundafóður er ekki allt skapað jafnt. Mikilvægt er að viðhalda eðlilegu hlutfalli næringarefna svo hundar geti lifað sínu besta lífi. Dog Mix bætiefnið er sérhannað til að mæta þörfum hunda og koma til móts við það sem skortir annars í hefðbundnu fóðri þeirra. 

Rétt eins og með önnur bætiefni frá Life Extension eru gæði hávegum höfð í þessari blöndu næringarefna sem ætluð er til að viðhalda og bæta heilsu besta vinar mannsins.

Eiginleikar Dog Mix

  • Bætir þarma-, efnaskipta-, og ónæmisheilbrigði með góðgerlum.
  • Viðheldur líkamlegri heilsu og stuðlar að heilbrigði hugans.
  • Styrkir nýrnastarfsemi.
  • Inniheldur karnitín sem viðheldur heilbrigðum orkubirgðum líkamans og styrk.