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Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes

Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes

Verð 3.590 ISK
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Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes inniheldur 10 ensím, sem öll henta grænmetisætum. Þessi samsetning aðstoðar líkamann við niðurbrot fæðu, á borð við prótín, mjólkurvörur og fitu, þó megin hlutverk þess sér að styðja við meltingu grænkera.
Óerfðabreytt - Hentar grænmetisætum

Frekari Upplýsingar

Research has shown that supplementing with digestive enzymes can promote optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat.1-3 This formula provides 10 vegetarian enzymes that help digest plant-based diets as well as protein, dairy, starches and fat.

Optimal digestion supports optimal health

This digestive health formula contains powerful digestive enzymes like alpha-galactosidase, protease 3.0 and lipase, as well as a 10 enzymes blend to promote optimal digestion of:

  • Plant-derived sugar & starch—Alpha galactosidase promotes carbohydrate digestion and supports GI comfort by breaking down oligosaccharides found in foods such as legumes (beans) and cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and others which are notorious for causing occasional abdominal bloating and discomfort.
  • Dietary fiber—Hemicellulase, xylanase and pectinase help break down plant cell components to promote optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Protein—Protease 3.0 helps digest proteins at acidic pH, like in stomach. This enzyme helps break down stubborn protein and promotes digestion of gliadin (a compound found in wheat). Protease SP helps break down most soluble proteins into smaller molecular weight peptides and free amino acids.
  • Fats—Lipase is an enzyme that helps break down dietary fats.
  • Dairy—Lactase is essential for digesting lactose from dairy products.

This innovative vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-GMO formula promotes healthy digestion of and hard-to-digest starches, sugars and cellulose from vegetables, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and lactose.2,3 For maximum benefit, take one capsule before you eat.

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Taktu eitt (1) hylki einu sinni eða tvisvar daglega áður en þú færð þér þungar máltíðir, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


Serving Size 1 vegetarian capsule

Amount Per Serving

Vegetarian Digestive Enzyme Blend (supplying)

140 mg

Protease SP (A. oryzaeB. subtilis) 25,000 FCC (HUT)
Bromelain (A. comosus) 800,000 FCC (PU)
Lactase (A. oryzae) 2,000 FCC (ALU)
Cellulase (A. niger) 2,000 FCC (CU)
Lipase (C. rugosa) 2,500 FCC (FIP)
Alpha Galactosidase (A. niger) 150 (GalU)
Hemicellulase (A. niger) 4,000 (HCU)
Pectinase (A. niger) 25 (endo-PGU)
Protease 3.0 (A. niger) 10 (SAPU)
Xylanase (T. longibrachiatum) 500 (XU)


Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (capsule), maltodextrin, medium chain triglycerides.

Contains wheat and soybeans.



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