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Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols

Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols

Verð 5.890 ISK
Verð Útsöluverð 5.890 ISK
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60 hylki
Heilt litróf E-vítamína sem veita andoxunarvörn.
Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols inniheldur öll möguleg efnasambönd E vítamína sem færir þér alla kosti andoxunarefna.
Án glúteins - óerfðabreytt

Frekari Upplýsingar

The tocopherol and tocotrienol subfamilies of vitamin E are each composed of alpha, beta, gamma and delta fractions that have complementary biological activity.1-3 Different ratios of these compounds are found in different parts of a plant. For example, the green parts of a plant contain mostly alpha tocopherol, while the bran and seed germ contain mostly tocotrienols.4

Gamma Tocopherol is Critically Important

Evidence suggests that gamma tocopherol is one of the most critically important forms of vitamin E for those seeking optimal health benefits. But studies show the combination of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol supplementation appears to be superior to either tocopherol alone on biomarkers of oxidative stress and other whole-body health factors.5

Most commercial vitamin E supplements contain little, if any, gamma tocopherol. They instead rely on alpha tocopherol as the primary ingredient. However, it’s the gamma tocopherol (not the alpha form) that quenches peroxynitrite, the free radical that plays a major role in the development of age-related decline.6

Tocotrienols Support Blood Vessels and Nerves

Tocotrienols have shown superior action in maintaining arterial health.7,8 In 2010, a team of Asian scientists demonstrated that this class of nutrients, which are difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities through dietary sources alone, may provide superior support in maintaining triglyceride levels already within a healthy range in aging individuals.9

Research has shown that tocotrienols display neuroprotective properties and, in particular, alpha-tocotrienol has been shown to be a potent neuroprotective form of vitamin E.10,11

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Taktu eitt (1) hylki 1-2 sinnum á dag, helst á tómum maga, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


Serving Size 1 softgel

Amount Per Serving

Vitamin E (as D-alpha tocopherol)

30.15 mg

Gamma E Mixed

524 mg

Tocopherol/Tocotrienol Complex [providing 374 mg mixed tocopherols, 56 mg mixed tocotrienols]


Other ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, medium chain triglycerides oil, purified water, sunflower oil, rosemary extract.



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1-3 virkir dagar

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Hvað er Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienol?

E-vítamín fjölskyldan samanstendur af átta fituleysanlegum efnasamböndum sem fyrirfinnast plöntum og fæðu. Tókerferól og tókótríenól tilheyra þessari fjölskyldu samanstanda af alpha, beta, gamma og delta brotum sem öll hafa ólíka eiginleika hvað varðar líffræðilega virkni.

E vítamín efnasambönd hafa verið einna mest rannsökuð af þekktum efnasamböndum næringarefna og teljast vera mikilvæg fyrir daglega heilsu. 

Eiginleikar Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienol

  • Veitir sterka andoxunarvörn.
  • Eykur virkni blóðflagna.
  • Styrkir taugakerfið.
  • Styrkir sjónhimnu.
  • Viðheldur vitrænni virkni heilans.
  • Styrkir ónæmissvar líkamans.