High Potency Optimized Folate L-Methylfolate
High Potency Optimized Folate L-Methylfolate
Frekari Upplýsingar
Frekari Upplýsingar
Folic acid is the most common form of folate supplements. Once ingested, your body is supposed to convert folic acid, a synthetic version of folate, into 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, or 5-MTHF. But research shows that many people lack sufficient activity of the enzyme that's necessary to convert folic acid to 5-MTHF.1-3 A more useful approach is to take 5-MTHF directly.4-6
5-MTHF, homocysteine & cardiovascular health
Folate helps maintain healthy homocysteine levels already within the normal range. By helping to inhibit excess homocysteine, folate supports healthy levels of this important cardiovascular health biomarker.1 And 5-MTHF has been shown to be more bioavailable than folic acid in some studies.5,7
5-MTHF, homocysteine & cognitive health
5-MTHF's greater bioavailability is especially important for people who don't have enough activity of the enzyme necessary to convert folic acid to its biologically active form. Since people with elevated homocysteine levels have a greater risk of cognitive decline, the increased efficiency of 5-MTHF in supporting healthy folate status is especially crucial for aging individuals. 8,9
Take alone or with B12 for enhanced effect
The RDA for folate for non-pregnant or lactating adults is 400 mcg a day, but this high-potency formula provides 8500 mcg of this super-bioavailable form of folate. For even greater health benefits, take 5-MTHF folate with methylcobalamin (the active form of vitamin B12), vitamin B6 and/or riboflavin.
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur
- Taktu eina (1) töflu á dag með mat eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.
Serving Size 1 vegetarian tablet
Amount Per Serving
Folate [as (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, calcium salt]
8500 mcg°
Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, silica, vegetable stearate.
°DFE (dietary folate equivalents)
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Ekki kaupa vöruna ef innsigli hennar hefur verið rofið eða orðið fyrir skemmdum.
Æskilegt er að hefja ekki notkun fæðubótarefna án samráðs við lækni eða annað fagfólk, þá sér í lagi einstaklingar sem taka lyf að staðaldri vegna sjúkdóms eða annarra heilsukvilla, barnshafandi konur og konur með barn á brjósti.
1-3 virkir dagar
Viðhaltu heilbrigðum homocysteine gildum með High Potency Optimized Folate
L-Methylfolate. Homocysteine verður til við efnaskipti líkamans og hefur áhrif á bæði hjarta- og æðakerfið og vitræna virkni. Fólat er B vítamín sem viðheldur homocysteine gildum eðlilegum en ekki geta allir, með góðum árangri, umbreytt fólati í sitt líffræðilega virka form náttúrulega. 5-MTH, virka innihaldsefnið í High Potency Optimized Folate
L-Methylfolate, (einnig þekkt sem fólínsýra)sér um það fyrir þig!
- Kröftugur skammtur af 5-MTHF fólati.
- Stuðlar að heilbrigði hjarta- og æðakerfisins og vitrænni virkni.
- Viðheldur heilbrigðum gildum homocysteine.
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