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Male Vascular Sexual Support

Male Vascular Sexual Support

Verð 3.890 ISK
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30 hylki
Male Vascular Sexual Support inniheldur KaempMax, útdrátt úr Kaempferia pariflora, sem stuðlar að betra kynheilbrigði karlmanna.
Án glútens - Óerfðabreytt - Hentar grænmetisætum

    Frekari Upplýsingar

    Also known as Thai Black Ginger, K. parviflora is native to Southeast Asia. It's been used to promote male sexual health for years, but only now has K. parviflora been studied in the west. And the results are impressive: two clinical studies show promise for male sexual function, response, performance and satisfaction with results seen after 30 days.1,2

    K. parviflora works by promoting nitric oxide synthesis, which relaxes blood vessels and enables healthy blood flow, the key to healthy male sexual response.3,4 It also encourages a healthy brain response to sexual stimuli and helps to inhibit an enzyme that can affect male sexual response.1,5 And it does both of these things independently of hormone levels.

    Clinical studies

    In an eight-week randomized, double-blind clinical study, K. parviflora extract promoted a healthy male sexual response as compared to placebo.2 Impressed by these results, formulators at Life Extension® set out to confirm the study's findings. In our own clinical study, subjects taking KaempMax™ K. parviflora extract standardized to 5% of the active compound, 7-dimethoxyflavone, for 30 days reported healthy sexual function and satisfaction.1

    K. parviflora did not significantly affect hormone levels in either clinical study, making it an excellent complement to testosterone-supportive health regimens. 1,2

    Male Vascular Sexual Support is a once-daily supplement.

    Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

    • Taktu eitt (1) hylki daglega, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


    Serving Size 1 vegetarian capsule

    Amount Per Serving

    KaempMax™ black ginger (kaempferia parviflora) extract (rhizome) [std. to 5% 5, 7-dimethoxyflavone]

    100 mg

    Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (capsule), dextrin, silica, stearic acid.



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