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Memory Protect

Memory Protect

Verð 3.890 ISK
Verð 0 ISK Útsöluverð 3.890 ISK
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Memory Protect stuðlar að bættri heilastarfsemi og kemur í veg fyrir myndun ensíma sem hafa neikvæð áhrif á heilann ásamt því að draga úr bólgum sem bætir minni og samhæfingu

Án glútens - Óerfðabreytt

    Frekari Upplýsingar

    In a healthy brain, proteins that inhibit healthy cognition and memory are created, but they are regularly cleared through normal processes.1 But this clearing process declines over time as part of normal aging. When that happens, these proteins begin to accumulate, affecting memory and cognitive function.2


    Clinically studied milk peptide complex

    Colostrinin is a milk peptide. Colostrinin helps inhibit molecular mechanisms that produce unwanted brain proteins, while also maintaining levels of the enzymes that help break them down.3

    Clinical studies show colostrinin helps enhance and maintain cognition, memory and mental function, as measured by standard medical tests of mental performance.4-6 One of these studies found that colostrinin encouraged social function, mood and cognition.4

    In an preclinical model of aging and cognitive decline, the colostrinin polypeptide complex in Memory Protect promoted learning and memory.7

    Lithium, the brain element

    Lithium, a naturally-occurring mineral, has been used to promote mood health for decades.8 It has exceptional properties for promoting brain health and function on both the cellular and molecular levels.9

    Lithium is increasingly being recognized for its ability to inhibit normal, age-related changes in the brain – it has even been called a neuroprotectant for healthy individuals.10,11 Numerous observational studies have described lithium’s effects in enhancing and preserving cognition and memory.8 Preclinical studies indicate that lithium helps support the breakdown of  those accumulated brain proteins and promotes the brain’s normal process for clearing cellular debris.12

    Published research studies on lithium conclude that this mineral is a valuable nutrient for encouraging healthy cognitive function and behavior.13

    Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

    • Hvert hylki er í pakkningu sem er flokkað eftir degi.
    • Byrjaðu daginn með að taka hylkið sem er merkt með Day 1 og haltu áfram að taka eitt hylki á dag í röð þangað til að þú ert komin á dag 36, byrjaðu þá aftur á degi 1, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


    Serving Size 1 C-Li vegetarian capsule (Tan)

    Amount Per Serving

    Lithium (as lithium orotate)

    1000 mcg

    Colostrinin (proline-rich peptide complex)

    100 mcg

    Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (capsule), rice blend extract, maltodextrin.

    Contains milk.


    Supplement Facts

    Serving Size 1 Li vegetarian capsule (White)

    Amount Per Serving

    Lithium (as lithium orotate)

    1000 mcg

    Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (capsule)



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