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Super Miraforte

Super Miraforte

Verð 8.990 ISK
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120 vegan hylki

Super Miraforte with Standardized Lignans styður við heilbrigt magn testósteróna og inniheldur meðal annars chrysin, nettle root, muira puama og fleira

Án glúteins - Óerfðabreytt - Hentar grænmetisætum

Frekari Upplýsingar

Men need testosterone to build muscle, boost strength and maintain healthy sexual function.1,2 But as men age maintaining youthful levels of testosterone may not be that easy. A significant percentage of aging men experience troubling declines in testosterone levels compared to healthy youthful levels.3 And changes in testosterone levels can affect your mood, cognitive health, sexual function and more.4,5

Innovative formula for men’s health

Our Super Miraforte formula promotes male health by encouraging youthful hormone metabolism and overall sexual health with potent botanical extracts including chrysin, nettle root, Muira puama and more.

Maca root: The maca plant is from South America. It has been shown in clinical and pre-clinical studies to encourage healthy sexual performance.6-8

Chrysin: This flavonoid is found in plants, honey, and bee propolis.9 It is an inhibitor of the enzyme aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen.10 

HMRlignan™ Norway spruce lignan extract: Norway spruce tree is a source of lignan compounds, which are converted to enterolactone in the digestive tract. Enterolactone is then absorbed into the bloodstream.11,12 Blood levels of enterolactone have been shown to be related to youthful testosterone ratios.13,14

Stinging & dwarf nettle root extracts:  As men age, they develop a higher ratio of estrogen to testosterone, and both of these hormones play a vital role in men’s prostate health and function.15,16 Nettle extract has been demonstrated in numerous clinical trials to support healthy urination and prostate function.17

Muira puama extract: the Muira puama plant is also from South America. Muira puama has a long-established reputation for promoting healthy male sexual function.

Bioperine® black pepper extract: Bioperine® is a unique black pepper extract that helps enhance the absorption of other active plant compounds.18

Zinc: This trace mineral has many health benefits. We've included it in this formula because of its importance for healthy testosterone balance.

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Fyrir fullorðna menn. Taktu tvö (2) hylki 2 sinnum daglega, á kvöldin og morgnana, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.
  • Ekki taka meira en 15mg á dag af Bioperine®


Servings Per Container 60

Amount Per Serving

Zinc (as OptiZinc® zinc monomethionine)

7.5 mg


750 mg

Muira puama 4:1 extract (bark)

212.5 mg

Maca (root)

160 mg

Stinging and dwarf nettle extracts (root)

141 mg

HMRlignan™ Norway spruce (Picea abies) lignan extract (knot wood) [std. to 90% hydroxymatairesinol potassium acetate]

16.7 mg

Bioperine® piperine [from black pepper extract (fruit)]

7.5 mg

Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), maltodextrin, rice concentrate, silica, powdered cellulose.


HMRlignan™ is a trademark used under sublicense from Linnea S.A.
Bioperine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corp.
OptiZinc® is a Lonza trademark, registered in U.S.A.


Ekki taka meira en 15mg á dag af Bioperine®

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