Super R-Lipoic Acid
Super R-Lipoic Acid
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R-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy mitochondria, preserves youthful cellular energy and helps protect against oxidative stress.1
“R” Lipoic Acid is Biologically Active
Alpha-lipoic acid, the universal antioxidant, consists of two different forms, “R” and “S,” which have different properties.2 The “R” form is the biologically active component (native to the body) that is responsible for lipoic acid’s phenomenal antioxidant effect. The “S” form is not very biologically active. Alpha-lipoic acid supplements typically consist of the “R” and “S” form in a 50/50 ratio. That means a 100 mg alpha-lipoic acid supplement is providing 50 mg of the biologically active “R” form.
The human body normally produces and uses the “R” form of lipoic acid.3 R-lipoic acid helps support a healthy inflammatory response, is an excellent free radical scavenger and has been shown to be more bioavailable than the combined “R” and “S” forms that ordinarily comprise alpha-lipoic acid supplements.4
Sodium-R-Lipoate is the “Next-Generation” Antioxidant
Through dedicated research and development, a novel form of R-lipoic acid has been developed and is seen as an antioxidant powerhouse. An innovative process converts the biologically active “R” form of lipoic acid to sodium-R-lipoate, which in a human study, achieved higher peak blood levels than pure R-lipoic acid.4
Not only does this newer lipoic acid formulation reach higher peak blood levels, it also achieves them sooner, ensuring rapid uptake from the plasma into the tissues.4 A study showed that after oral ingestion of Super R-Lipoic Acid, sodium-R-lipoate reached peak plasma concentrations within just 10-20 minutes of supplementation.4
Enhanced Antioxidant Activity
Unlike other forms of lipoic acid, sodium-R-lipoate is more stable in the body. The increased stability of this enhanced formulation is the reason for its greater absorption and bioavailability compared with R-lipoic acid.4
The superior antioxidant effects of R-lipoic acid are already well-known for supporting healthy mitochondrial function. Now, Super R-Lipoic Acid provides even more benefits for preserving youthful cellular energy levels.
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Serving Size 1 vegetarian capsule
Amount Per Serving
28 mg
Bio-Enhanced®283 mg
Stabilized Na-RALA sodium R-lipoate (providing 240 mg of R-Lipoic acid)
Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate, silica.
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1-3 virkir dagar

Hvað er Super R-Lipoic Acid?
Rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á mikilvægi lípósýra við viðhald frumuorku og Super R-Lipoic Acid gefur þér meira af virka “R” forminu en hefðbundnar ALA vörur.
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