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Triple Action Blood Pressure

Triple Action Blood Pressure

Verð 6.890 ISK
Verð Útsöluverð 6.890 ISK
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Kaupa í áskrift
60 töflur

Triple Action Blood Pressure inniheldur flavónóíð og glýkósíð efnasamband í tveimur töflum, sem hjálpa við að viðhalda heilbrigðum blóðþrýstingi á meðan þú sefur og á meðan þú vakir.

Án glútens - Óerfðabreytt - Hentar grænmetisætum

Frekari Upplýsingar

Blood pressure readings have a circadian rhythm and vary depending on time of day and whether you’re awake or asleep.1 Triple Action Blood Pressure is a twice-daily nutritional supplement that addresses both night and daytime blood pressure health.

Flavonoid and glycoside phytonutrients

Each AM tablet of Triple Action Blood Pressure contains quercetin, myricitrin and myricetin flavonoids. Evidence indicates that these phytonutrient compounds support healthy vascular function and promote healthy blood pressure levels already within the normal range through a variety of mechanisms.2-7

Each AM dose also contains stevioside, a glycoside molecule derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant. Stevioside also promotes healthy blood pressure levels already within the normal range, as demonstrated in multiple pre-clinical and clinical studies.8-11

Timed-release melatonin

Our formula’s PM tablet contains the same phytonutrients as the daytime tablet, plus 2 mg of timed-release melatonin. Also known as the sleep hormone, melatonin is primarily synthetized at night by the pineal gland in the brain and promotes healthy, restful sleep.12

Melatonin also promotes healthy blood pressure levels already within the normal range  — a benefit for which timed-release melatonin has been shown to be particularly effective.13-15

Innovative blood pressure and vascular health support

Triple Action Blood Pressure provides a novel approach to promoting blood pressure health while you’re awake, as well as while you’re asleep. Each 30-day supply provides 60 tablets, divided into morning and evening doses via convenient blister packaging.

Ráðlagður Dagsskammtur

  • Taktu eina (1) AM töflu um morguninn og eina (1) PM töflu 30-60 mínútum fyrir svefn, með eða án mat, eða eins og er mælt með af heilbrigðisstarfsmanni.


Serving Size 1 AM vegetarian tablet (yellow)

Amount Per Serving

Calcium (as dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate)

30 mg

Steviosides [from stevia extract (leaf)]

375 mg

Proprietary Blend

85 mg

Quercetin (as quercetin dihydrate)


Myricetin [from Myrica rubra extract (bark)]


Myricitrin [from Myrica rubra extract (bark)]


Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, soluble fiber, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, vegetable stearate, silica, glycerin, riboflavin color, spirulina extract color.



Eftir að þú hefur tekið PM töfluna skaltu ekki reyna að aka eða stjórna þungum vélum og gæta varúðar ef þú notar áfengi.

Geymist þar sem börn ná ekki til.

Ekki skal neyta meira en ráðlagður dagskammtur segir til um.

Ekki kaupa vöruna ef innsigli hennar hefur verið rofið eða orðið fyrir skemmdum.

Æskilegt er að hefja ekki notkun fæðubótarefna án samráðs við lækni eða annað fagfólk, þá sér í lagi einstaklingar sem taka lyf að staðaldri vegna sjúkdóms eða annarra heilsukvilla, barnshafandi konur og konur með barn á brjósti.


1-3 virkir dagar

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